Dipping down in the trash

It’s been said a lot of times already by many users, and by me as well, but I wanted to make a clearer, stand alone post: Glossaryck is clearly training Star, and maybe even Marco.

Maybe the wand getting into the book and pushing Marco into the closet in My New Wand was accidental, maybe it was Glossaryck’s – since he can move the royal heirloom with his magic-


but everything after that is clearly the little blue man’s plan. Marco explicitly tells so: it’s a training


and Glossaryck alread knew that the way to “reach the chunks (=make Star dip down)” is finding her secret. This was even before confronting Star about the “hard way”, so the genie’s plan was already in motion.


he also knew what the secret is: as soon as Marco finds the journal he doesn’t hide that the little book is, indeed, the way to open the door.


Star on Wheels comfirmed that Glossaryck can live in any book,
so he probably knows about what’s written in the diary: his light mysteriously runs “out of juice” as soon as Marco reaches chapter 11


Marco is incredibly genre-savy and, while probably not understanding the implications, immediatly sees through Glossaryck’s riddles-riddled ways (yes, you can give me the Punner of the Year prize later). Star is easier to deceive. Little booker immediatly gets her hooked on the “hard way to magic”


and, to top it off, he adds a bit of mother issues to make sure to get the 110% from his protégé


Also, while I’m not as sure as with My New Wand, I get the impression that even in Star on Wheels Glossaryck tried to use Star’s wandless condition to make her dip down. Realizing that the girl is not going to dip down before being put down (by a truck), he does the next logical thing:


…he switches to plan B – Marco Diaz.


Here at Seddm we like to see some Starco in everything, so it’s not too farfetched to think that Glossaryck is training and testing Marco, as well as Star


After all he has to know by now that Marco is part of Star’s everything, and the key to her dipping down.


Also, you know, their souls are linked by an ancient astral magic. So, you know, maybe they’re going to have to be closer than ever to do something big soon. Prophecies and all that thingamagig.

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